We offer you a range of flexible fee options designed to fit the bill.

At MCI we believe it is important that you understand how we charge for our services.

Fees rendered by our firm are based on time engaged by our partners and staff. Our charge-out rates reflect the skill and experience of the person engaged in the work. In fixing a fee we also take into account the specialised knowledge and responsibility required, the importance of the matter to you and the result achieved and the urgency and circumstances in which the business is transacted.

What does our payment schedule cover?

We calculate and invoice our fees on a monthly basis. This means that you may receive an interim invoice. This will represent the work completed by us to the date indicated on that invoice. Your invoice will include disbursements where applicable. Disbursements are payments made by us on your behalf and these costs are passed onto you as part of our normal monthly billing. Your invoice will be sent to you by the 10th of the month following the fee date. Payment is required by the 20th of the month following invoice.

What are your payment options?

There are a number of ways in which you can pay your invoice. These are detailed below. It is also possible to pay an agreed monthly fee. This option enables you to spread the cost of your accounting fees over the year. If you are interested in this option please speak to your Accountant or Heidi Morgans, our Practice Manager.

In person

You can pay in person by cash, Eftpos or credit card at our offices at 6 Gordon Street, Dannevirke or 139 High Street, Pahiatua. Please note that we are not able to accept Amex cards or give cash out from our Eftpos facility.

Internet banking

You can pay your fees via the internet. Payments should be made to the following bank account number: 06 0729 0495554 00. Please remember to include your name and your client code.

Fee smart

If you find it difficult to pay our fees in full by the due date or you prefer to pay over a six or twelve month period this option is available through Feesmart. Feesmart is a company that offers a monthly payment option to clients who prefer to pay by instalments. There is a small administration fee for this service and interest rates apply.

More information about this option is available on Feesmart’s website: www.feesmartdirect.co.nz If you would like to pay your fees through Feesmart please contact us for assistance.