“In tune with your business”

Julenne Nguyen



Get in touch: whyraar@zpvn.pb.am

Since starting as a client manager at MCI in 2013, Julenne attained a business degree, is studying to become a chartered accountant and is now an associate. She reckons MCI are ‘a pretty cool team to work with’.

Born and raised around Dairy, Beef & Sheep, Julenne knows rural businesses on the ground, and from an accounting perspective. She understands that rural business people are the experts in their businesses.

It’s the love of the job that motivates Julenne in her role at MCI. Bringing her talent with numbers, systems and processes together with the grit to meet the challenges of business, Julenne makes sure that while business can be a tough gig, she and the team at MCI can take a weight off their clients by providing professional accounting and friendly straightforward advice and support.

A love of numbers is not the only string to her bow. Julenne loves music and plays the violin. She also enjoys cooking to relax after work and admits that if she hadn’t become an accountant, she’d most likely be a chef. With her husband, a teacher, in Dannevirke, Julenne has a keen interest in local initiatives, community theatre, and exploring New Zealand and the World.